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HISTORY of temple lodge

Temple Lodge had its beginnings when a group of members of Ionic Lodge # 526, in Westboro, conceived the idea of forming a new lodge in Westboro. Ionic Lodge, which was instituted in 1914, had increased steadily in membership over the years.


After the close of the Second World War, a rapid acceleration in membership to took place. It was becoming increasingly difficult for the officers and Members alike to maintain and cultivate the same friendly, social intercourse among the brethren. It was also deemed to be unfair to the new members of the lodge who could foresee little opportunity of becoming officers and leaders in the craft.


At a regular meeting of Ionic Lodge, on April 13, 1949 the W. M. W.Bro. Arthur Mason appointed a committee to study the feasibility of starting a third lodge in Westboro.


The Committee met on April 24, 1949, and subsequently a questionnaire was sent out to the members to get an indication of the support they could expect in the formation of a new lodge. The indication was that a large majority was in favour.


On October 17, 1949 a meeting was held in the Westboro Masonic Temple With R.W. Bro. G. Howard Carkner as Chairman and W. Bro. Thomas O’Neil as Secretary. The main outcome of that meeting was a recommendation to Ionic Lodge that the Lodge go on record as being favourable to the formation of a new lodge. On November 9, 1949 the above-mentioned recommendation was presented and carried in open lodge. On May 12, 1950 the organizing committee unanimously selected W. Bro. Charles Derry, a past Master of Ionic Lodge to be the first Master of the new Lodge.


It was announced that W. Bro. George M. Ritchie had agreed to act as Treasurer and that W. Bro. Claude E. Saunders had agreed to act as the Charter I.P.M.

Six names for the new Lodge were submitted by the sub-committee for the ballot, as a result the name TEMPLE was selected by a majority vote.


At a general meeting of the Charter Members on June 9, 1950, the recommendations of the sub-committee were accepted as follows:


W.M. W. Bro. Charles A. Derry

I.P.M. W. Bro. Claude E. Saunders

S.W.   Bro. Ward Stiles

J.W. Bro. J.E. (Burt) McGregor

Treasurer     W. Bro. George M. Ritchie

Secretary W. Bro. H.L. Carson

S.D. Bro. J.C. Joynt

J.D. Bro. E.A. Henwood

I.G. Bro G.L. Scott

D of C W. Bro. W.C. (Charlie) Farley

S.S. Bro. B.A. McKendry

J.S. Bro. J.M. Hughes

Chaplain Bro. The Rev. J.C. (Jack) Anderson


The Institutions Ceremony of Temple Lodge # 665 took place on Friday, October 27, 1950


May we quote from the pen of  W. Bro. H.L. Carson, Secretary, in his closing of the first minutes, “Temple Lodge was launched on its course, the charting of which, we all trust and pray will ever be under the direction of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe so that Temple Lodge may ever show forth His glory and contribute to the happiness of mankind”. 


Temple Lodge # 665 through its Officers and members, continues to be a leader in the Ottawa Masonic District, and enjoys great fellowship with many superb programs.


PAST MASTERS of temple lodge

C.A. Derry - 1950

J.W. Stiles - 1952

E.A. Henwood - 1953

J.W. Hughes - 1955

C.E. Saunders - 1956

E.M. Hopper - 1957

J.A. Enstone - 1959

T.H. Birtch - 1960

G.W. Wilson - 1961

D.S. Cummings - 1962

R.S. Throop - 1963

W.K. Allen - 1964

W.A. Saunders - 1965

G.A. Bond - 1966

G.H. Chalmers - 1967

W.L. Lytle - 1968

L.W. Westwell - 1969

D. Parke-Taylor - 1970

L.L. Craig - 1971

W.I. Hall - 1972

G.E. White - 1973

I.T. Wilson - 1974

D.I. Steele - 1975

H. Comba - 1976

J. Murphy - 1977

P. Livingstone - 1978

P.H. Holvey - 1979

R. Borrowdale - 1980

G.W. McElree - 1982

D. Caldwell - 1983

R. Thompson - 1984

J. Hardy - 1985

D. Good - 1986

G. Ford -  1987

L. Hajjar- 1988

J. Fuentes - 1989

A. Van Strepen - 1990

T. Martin - 1991

H. Chalker - 1992

T. Martin - 1993

F. Crouch - 1994

J. McMunagle - 1995

R. Finlayson - 1996

T. Birtch - 1997

R. McLeod - 1998

J. Bampton - 1999

R. Williams - 2000

D. Gravelle - 2001

R. Edwards - 2002

R. Edwards - 2003

N. Shurei - 2004

H. Sainthill - 2005

C. Heney - 2006

D. Saikaley - 2007

K. Roy - 2008

K. Roy - 2009

G. D. O'Neill - 2010

T. L. Hemmerling - 2011

G. D. O'Neill - 2012

C. Heney - 2013

R. G. Conrad - 2014

T. L. Hemmerling - 2015

G.D. O’Neill 2016

A. Meere -2017-2022

S.Newman - 2022-2024

J.Bizjak -2024- Present

Bizjak Portrait.png

WM J.Bizjak

worshipful master 

temple lodge 665 af&aM


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